Why Milvus?

We are the largest omnichannel platform

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> Why Milvus?

Milvus & ChatGPT integration

Increase the quality of your support with Milvus & GPTChat integration. Speed up your service, improve your team productivity and provide a more humanized and personalized support experience. Discover how this integration can boost your customer satisfaction.

Dashboard ChatGPT - Milvus

SLA configuration

Get more flexibility to configure your customer's SLA in a unique, simple and easy way.

  • Get access to ticket reports based on SLAs
  • Define who will be allowed to pause and resume SLA
  • Configure office hours per customer
  • Pause SLA automatically when pausing a ticket
  • Receive email notifications when an SLA is about to burst
  • SLA dashboard: view SLA tickets
Dashboard SLA - Milvus

Ticket management

Get alerts from the main features of machines on your dashboard

Work table

Time and activity report

Bulk ticket update

Knowledge base

Tickets scheduling

Satisfaction surveys

Advanced dashboard

Dashboard Projetos - Milvus

Project Manager

Now you can manage your projects on Milvus platform as it allows you to organize and coordinate projects directly on the system. Streamline the workflow, assign tasks and calls, set deadlines, and promote efficient project management. Increase team collaboration with our Project Manager feature.

Remote access

Support your customers and users and resolve incidents without having to travel to your customer's facilities, saving commuting time.

Connect to multiple devices

File transfer

Connection history

Request alerts

Increase your customer satisfaction

Device monitoring

Receive warnings on your dashboard about the main resources of your machine, such as (disk storage, RAM, temperature, and processing). Use Milvus monitoring agents to install applications in your customer’s computers and smartphones.

Vulnerability management

Temperature monitoring

Memory monitoring

Antivirus monitoring

CPU monitoring


We adhere to best practices

Constant improvements





Milvus app

Use the mobile app to ensure proper management of your IT assets, through monitoring and full control of devices of your customer, wherever and whenever you want.

  • Download for Android and iOS

  • Support request

  • TalkWay Technology

  • Digital signature

  • Access to customer data

  • Access to linked tasks

  • QR code reader

  • Nearest technician location

Baixe o app - Milvus

Simplified reporting

Create and customize your own reports

Opened and closed tickets

Tickets per customers

Tickets per user

Dispositivos - Milvus
Dashboard SLA - Milvus


Answer your customers with a simple and fast tool.

  • Opening tickets
  • Ticket queue
  • Talk to a technician
  • Customer transfer
  • Call with up to 4 people
  • Customer data access
  • Access to linked tasks
  • QR code reader
  • Send service orders
  • Device listing

API Milvus access





Manage your contracts

Contract by hour

Contract by ticket

Contract by device

Contract by catalog services

Contract by fixed price

Device loan

Ticket conference before billing

Limit in dollars for service

Displacement charge

Specific contract (firewall and backups)

Optimize your team management

Contact Milvus for a free 7-day trial and use all features of the system.

Free trial

You’ll have unlimited access to the platform
without providing your credit card information

Schedule a meeting

Talk to one of our experts